General Information for Staff
This area is for staff only In addition to a brief explanation of FCUSD district wide applications you'll find shortcuts to the FCUSD forms & documents, access to WebMail and Absence Management, and a number of other helpful web pages.
For New Employees
Are you new to the district and need to request email and network services?
Title |
What's it For |
Additional Description |
Where to Find It |
Absence Management | Employee attendance | Log onto site to schedule time off and manage substitutes. | Linked to various places, Login: Same as computer Please see the Absence Management ICON under Staff login on the FCUSD website Problems: Contact HR Department (Used to be called AESOP) |
CANVAS PD Platform (Formerly GSMU) | Signing up instructor led training | To attend training for Microsoft Office Applications, Google Drive, FCUSD systems (for ex. PowerSchool), Frontline and district required training. Canvas maintains records for attending and completing training. Get supervisor's approval prior to signing up for training seminars. Note: Canvas logins are created by you, not ETIS, and are different than your computer login. |
CANVAS can be accessed by CANVAS PD website. Sign onto CANVAS with the username and password you create. Problems with CANVAS Follow the on-site instructions, if still unable to access or use, contact the ETIS Service Desk at (916) 294-9005 or the instructor of the course you wish to take. |
Central Forms & Documents Library | Public forms in an easy to access location. | Forms for parents and those involved in athletic activities/events. | Please go to our website, Family & Community, Public Forms and Documents |
Chrome | Google's Web Browser | Chrome can be used to surf the web on PC's, Mac's and is the only browser found on Chromebooks. | At home or away from school, download from Google website. At work, submit an ETIS work order through HappyFox. Must log in to access your Google Drive. Login: use e-mail address and computer login password. |
Chromebooks | Limited use laptop like device. | Runs Chrome browser and Google Apps in our FCUSD managed environment. Heavily used for SBAC and other online testing. Has USB ports, no CD/DVD. In our environment no files saved locally - they must be saved to your Google Drive. | Chromebooks are stored in Chromebooks carts at school sites with between 20 and 36 devices per cart. Carts should be plugged in after use to get recharged. Chromebooks run from 3-6 hours on a single charge when new. Ensure that the Chromebooks are placed in their appropriate slot in the cart and attached to the power supply connector. Login: use e-mail address and computer login password. Problems with Google Apps: Contact Pam Oien in ETIS. |
Destiny | School library asset management | A web-based application designed by Follet company to track library books and other items. | From the FCUSD Applications folder, school websites or Destiny Website. |
eFax | Send faxes via Outlook | From Outlook, put the recipient's fax number (just as you would on a fax machine, but don't put a 5 for outside line) and add to the end in the To: field ... for example. Don't eFax to FCUSD employees since you can scan and e-mail directly from copiers. Please don't fax from copiers as you will not get a confirmation page and with eFax you will get a confirmation e-mail that the fax was properly sent. eFax creates a cover sheet and converts attachments to fax documents. |
eTrition | School lunch management system | eTrition tracks free and/or reduced price programs and connects with EZ School Pay to allow parents (or students) to apply funds towards school meals. | eTrition is managed by the Food Services Department. If you need to know what is for lunch at your school, click on the "What's for Lunch?" icon found in the upper right corner of each school's website. To put money on a student's account use |
Firefox | Mozilla -Firefox web browser | Firefox is the district's standard supported web browser. Ensure pop blocker is off for use with PowerTeacher and the gradebook. Do not attempt to update plugins for web browsers or install web browsers - Call ETIS first (916) 294-9005. | The current supported version is pushed to all FCUSD devices or available via the Microsoft System Center Software Center. |
Finalsite | K-12 Content Management System for websites. | Finalsite is our K-12 Content Management System (CMS) used to access information from the school district or any of its departments and all FCUSD schools. Finalsite uses databases to store and present information and graphics in a cohesive manner to all interested parties. Finalsite also provides capability to generate surveys and forms. Parents may subscribe to their student's school, PTA and teacher's web sites to gain important insight to what is going on in their child's classroom, view upcoming homework assignments and much more. Finalsite's WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor allows teachers and staff to create exciting web pages without having to know how to code web pages. |
All schools and sites are linked through If you need a web page, access to a restricted area of the FCUSD website or have a problem, question or concern about the website, contact the webmaster. . Finalsite training is available throughout the year at GSMU. Log on with same credentials to sign onto computer (AD). Problems: Contact Robin Mandeville by e-mail, phone, or IM. Website training and general questions can be directed to Robin Mandeville. For teacher website issues contact Kari Bjork |
Happy Fox Work Orders | Helpdesk software for submitting maintenance requests |
If you have a building or facilities type issue (lighting, plumbing, etc.), you can submit a Happy Fox WO. Computer and technology related requests entered via HappyFox |
Happy Fox information and the ticketing process is explained in detail here. |
Illuminate | Student Assessment Data system | Create and score student assessments. |
Access from the FCUSD Applications Folder or directly via this URL: Staff Login for Illuminate Website |
Internet Explorer (IE) | Microsoft's web browser that comes with each of its computer operating systems. | IE or Internet Explorer (as opposed to Windows Explorer - where you find files on your computer and network) is used at FCUSD due to specific vendor requirements. IE was replaced by Microsoft Edge | Look for the blue and green circular wave on your desktop, start menu or quick launch tool bar. |
iPad | Apple device - like a larger iPhone that doesn't make phone calls. | iPads are managed via Air Watch. iPads can take photos and perform video capture, as well as run apps. They have no USB port but can synch data via charging cable to USB port on a PC. Don't install software or change the device's Apple ID without approval from your manager and working with ETIS. | |
Lexia | Reading and literacy online application for K-5 grades | Lexia will run on iPads, Chromebooks and PC's and is available to FCUSD schools that have a subscription. | See the school's application folder on PC's desktop. |
Microsoft Outlook | E-mail and calendaring software | Outlook runs off Microsoft Exchange, it allows e-mailing to one or many others both inside and outside FCUSD. In addition, Outlook has a sophisticated calendaring component that allows planning of meetings, creating groups (distribution groups) and reserving meeting rooms throughout the district. | A shortcut to Outlook may be on your desktop, start menu or both locations. For additional documents covering FCUSD's email program with Outlook look on the ETIS department's web page (Outlook via Exchange is being replaced by Office 365): ETIS Website located under Departments on our website |
Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection | Endpoint Protection is Microsoft's Antivirus and Antispyware program | Endpoint Protection automatically updates protecting your computer. By right clicking on a folder in Windows Explorer you may manually scan for infections. Inform ETIS of all suspected computer infections. | Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection may be found in the Programs folder on your start menu, right clicking on a folder and as a green square icon in your computer's system tray (just to the left of the date and time in the lower right corner of your screen). |
Microsoft System Center Software Center | Software Center is a Microsoft program that allows applications to be pushed to computers and allows ETIS to image them remotely. | In addition, Software Center, or SCCM, allows computer users to install and re-install approved software without putting in a SchoolDude WO, and has a component to let ETIS remotely connect to end user's desktops to interactively troubleshoot issues seeing the problem as the person experiences it. You must supply your computer name to ETIS technicians for them to connect to you. It is displayed on the middle of your computer's desktop - right in the middle of the screen. | Microsoft System Center Software Center is found in the All Programs folder on your start menu - Jabber, Web Browsers, and Google File Stream are among the commonly used applications that can be installed from there. |
Outlook Web Access (OWA) | Web-based access to your e-mail and calendar | While accessing your e-mail via a web browser doesn't have all the functionality of the Outlook application, it is convenient, allowing access to your e-mail and calendar from anywhere there is Internet access. Even if Outlook is broken, OWA can still provide access to your e-mail and calendar. |
From the FCUSD Applications folder, shortcut in Staff on the district website or by going here: Outlook Web Client with your web browser. Login: Same as computer login and password. |
ParentSquare | Mass notification system. | Used for emergency situations and when large groups of related types of people need a message communicated to them. Access is controlled by the Communication and Community Engagement office. | Restricted access, contact your school principal or the Communications and Community Engagement Department. |
PowerTeacher | Portion of Student Information System (SiS) used to track student progress, grades, classes. | To access gradebook as part of PowerTeacher you must use Firefox. Firefox must be your default browser and pop-ups must be enabled. If you are prompted to update Java, do not. Attempting to do so will render gradebook inoperable. |
PowerTeacher is accessible via the FCUSD Applications folder. Training is available (check GoSignMeUp). Support and additional information can be found on the following web page on the For Staff website: PowerTeacher Information Website |
PowerSchool | FCUSD's Student Information System | Used primarily by administrative staff to access student information, plan courses (Middle and High Schools), run reports and schedule classes. Since web browser plug-ins are only installed in Firefox at FCUSD it is recommended that it is used to access PowerSchool to ensure consistent results. | PowerSchool is accessible via the FCUSD Applications folder. Training is available (check GoSignMeUp) or call the ETIS Help Desk (916) 294-9005. |
PowerSchool Parent | Parent portal to access student's grades, class schedule and attendance | Parents are given letters from school staff with login information to PowerSchool Parent. The first line of support should be the child's school administrative assistant. (Note some elementary schools are not using the gradebook). PowerSchool Parent Portal is typically not available during summer time. | See the parent letter handout. PowerSchool Parent portal is accessible via the icon in the upper right corner of all FCUSD web sites. A parent's first point of contact to gain access or troubleshoot is their child's school office staff. |
Printshop (WebCRD) | Submitting orders for printed materials online to the district Print Shop. |
Using the web browser of your choice, browse to to access WebCRD and submit jobs to be printed. District printing services are free to all FCUSD teachers and staff. |
From the FCUSD Applications folder, by WebCRD Website (Online Printshop Portal), or going to the Printshop Department Website Login: Same as computer credentials. Problem submitting order: contact Ed McCarthy, in ETIS. Problem with submitting print job, receiving an order, or checking the status: contact Sean in the Print Shop directly at 294-9015. |
QSS | Finance system used to purchase materials and services to support K-12 | Used by admin staff to submit requisitions for supplies and services, and to track purchase orders. QSS is hosted by Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE). QSS users must login to SCOE VPN connection before launching QSS. Contact the Purchasing Department as your first level of support for QSS issues. |
The QSS control center is launched via the FCUSD Applications folder. If your SCOE VPN connect doesn't launch when Windows starts (or perhaps you close it) look for the green globe icon labeled Global Connect near the system date and time. QSS is supported by the Fiscal Services Department. |
Records | HR Records system by TalentEd | Although sometimes referred to as Records, this is the system for personnel records (or folders) by TalentEd. |
TalentEd Records is reachable from the Staff portion of the district website: TalentEd Records website Employees log onto the system with the same credentials as their computer. For assistance with records, please see the guide on the link or contact Stephanie Flippo - Certificated or Ellen Zenobia - Classified in HR. |
SEIS | Special Education Information System | SEIS provides centralized online management and storage of IEPs and Special Education Student Records accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. SEIS is used primarily by Student Support Services. | Log into SEIS with credentials provided to you by SSS. Problems: Contact the Special Education Department (Special Ed.) |
Sire | District's document imaging and retention system | Sire uses folder containers to hold achieved (scanned) records such as purchase orders. Submit an ETIS work order to request access to Sire. Sire requires the use of IE. |
To log onto SIRE You must request access from Ed McCarthy, who will provide you with your user name and password, as well as support. |
Staff Forms & Documents | Online resource for teachers, staff and other FCUSD employees only | Staff must log intoFinalsite to access a plethora of important forms and access other information. | Staff forms & Documents can be accessed from the Staff channel or by Logging into Staff Forms and Documents. |
TalentEd | TalentEd is our on-line employee performance evaluation system. | Look yourself up using your computer login and password. When it is evaluation time, you will be able to login and electronically sign your evaluation. | TalentEd Evaluations This site is also linked to the FCUSD Applications folder on your desktop. Login: Same as computer Problems: Contact HR Department |
Technology Purchases | All technology purchases start with a CDWG quote | See the linked page to the right to get started. FCUSD has standardized laptop, PC and printer equipment that is tested for compatibility and suitability with the FCUSD network and computer program requirements. If you have higher end needs or other special circumstances, contact ETIS first before purchases are made. |
Quote site and other technology purchase information This page is linked to the Staff channel of the District website as well. |