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Positive Affirmations

Regular use of positive affirmations can improve self-esteem, reduce negative self-talk, and promote a more optimistic outlook. Research suggests that positive self-talk can enhance resilience and coping skills. You've got this!

140 Positive Affirmations for Teens to Build Resilience - in areas like self-confidence, body image, academic success, social relationships, goal achievement, emotional well-being, and mindfulness & gratitude with ideas on how to incorporate into daily life

52 Parenting Affirmations to Help You Feel Positive and Empowered Each Week - effective affirmations using a growth mindset

Affirmations For Happy Parenting | Manifest Affirmation Series | Positive Parenting Affirmations by Mind Body Soul

50 positive affirmations for kids to boost their wellbeing - webpage - benefits, list of affirmations, how to use them, and the respect mantra
Positive Affirmations for Kids by Age Group by SandZ Academy:
25 Morning Affirmations for Preschoolers, Pre-K and Kinder


28 Positive Affirmations for Kids Confidence and Self-Esteem


21 Responsibility Affirmations for Older Kids


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