Rules & Regulations
Rules and regulations for the transportation of pupils by district -operated buses are established and enforced to insure the utmost safety of those pupils being transported. The conduct of any pupil cannot be allowed to jeopardize an entire busload of children. The cooperation of the parents, pupils, bus drivers and school administrators is required to achieve the desired results. The rules for pupil conduct are contained in the "Regulations and Laws Relating to Pupil Transportation in California”, from the State Department of Education.
Folsom Cordova Unified School District has adopted rules to enforce section 5 CCR 14103:
a. Pupils transported in a school bus or in a school pupil activity bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to, the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across the street, highway or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus en route between home and school or other destinations.
- Seating: Drivers may assign student seating as they deem necessary. Pupils assigned to specific seats may not move from those seats unless authorized by the driver. Pupils must sit up in the seat, face the front of the bus and keep their feet out of the aisle so as to not interfere with other pupils entering or exiting the bus, and for reasons of safety while the bus is in motion, remain seated.
- Body Parts Outside of Vehicle: Body, head or arms may not be extended outside of the windows at any time for the pupils' safety and possible damage to the vehicle.
- Other Pupils: No pupil is permitted to verbally or physically molest another pupil or their property.
- Noise Level: Pupils may not cause a noise nuisance on the bus. This includes playing loud music, whistling, yelling, loud talking, or inappropriate language.
- Animals: Pupils shall not transport household pets or animals on the school bus.
- Hazardous Items: Pupils shall not bring on board the bus any weapons of any type or controlled substances as defined in Ed Code: 48915 - this is an expelable offense.
- Personal Property: Pupils may not transport articles of personal property that interfere with the safe operation of the school bus or block aisles (examples are scooters, skate boards, balloons, balls). Under no circumstances shall a pupil block the emergency exits. The school district and its personnel are not responsible for items left on board the bus.
- Loading / Unloading: Students are required to be at the stop lined up 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Pupils are to load and unload in an orderly manner. All pupils are required to line up and scan/show their bus pass to the driver. If a pupil is allowed to ride a bus without a bus pass, the student must wait to board until all riders with a bus pass board the bus. Pupils required to cross the street must follow the directions of the driver. Students must cross only in the front of the bus and only at district approved bus stops when the red lights are activated.
- Food / Eating: No passengers may eat or drink aboard the bus.