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Student Resources Site
Across the nation, bullying has become one of the primary issues of concern within our schools. Video and flyer resources to help prevent and address bullying can be found in the Resource tab. Additional resources can be found under each tab. Anti-bullying Students Speaking Out CDE Bullying & Hate-Motivated Behavior Prevention CDE Bullying Publications & Resources Kids against Bullying Teens against Bullying Bullies The Reality Show Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students Cyberbullying Students Speaking Out My Digital Tat2 Cyberbullying Research Center Common Sense Media Mental Health Stop Bullying National Crime Prevention Council Teen Health National Alliance of Mental Illness - Sacramento chapter Character EducationBuilding confidence and self esteem in young girls PSA Self Esteem PSA - You are beautiful Always #LikeAGirl - PSA Always #LikeAGirl - Stronger Together - PSA A Pep Talk from Kid President to You Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often Kid President meets the President of the United States of America
GLSEN Think B4 You Speak Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network Day of Silence PSA 2015 Gay, Straight, Alliance Network Gender Health Center Transgender Law Center UC Davis LBGTQIA Resource Center About A Girl: Coy Mathis' Fight to Change Gender RESOURCES Myths about bullying Be An Ally: Six Simple Ways Are you ready to be an ally? 10 ways to respond to bullying Taking a Stand: A Student's Guide to Stopping Name-Calling and Bullying Stop Hazing