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Overflow Process

On occasion, FCUSD will need to overflow students in grades TK-5 when there is no room at the student’s home boundary school at the time of registration. Action is taken when class sizes exceed limits that are affected by class size funding or contractual obligations. For example, if the district established a class size in a primary grade to be 24 for the year, then the 25th student would be overflowed.

Overflow students are selected by the date of completed registration at the home boundary school. Students who register first have a preference for space at the school. Students will be overflowed until space is available at your home boundary school. The time frame depends on two things: your student’s waitlist number (students are called back to their home school based on their registration date) and the turnover rate at your home school. This timeframe could be a few days, weeks, months, or an indefinite period of time. The turnover of students during the school year is difficult to predict.

*If your home boundary school enrollment is impacted and you choose to keep your child out of school outside of the Independent Study guidelines, they may be disenrolled. Upon your return, you will have to re-enroll your student. 

We try to keep siblings together. If one of your children must be bused, we will make an effort to find a school to also accommodate their sibling if this is requested.

If available, transportation is provided from school to school and free of charge for students who have been overflowed to another school. Home boundary school office staff will facilitate paperwork and give parents/guardians the bus route number, bus stop location, and pick-up time. Parents are asked to provide assistance to students so that they get on the bus.

To ensure classroom stability, we do not call students back to their home school after October 31. If you wish to have your student return to the home school after Oct. 31, please inform your home school.

Appeal process
Parents/guardians may appeal in writing in the order below. The decision by Education Services is final.

1.    Principal
2.    Director of Education Services