Dedicated to excellence in education
Wait List Form 2023/2024
ASES and Student Care Wait List Information
The Wait List Form will become available on Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM. If you try to access the form before February 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM, it will not open. Please be aware that many of our ASES and Student Care sites are impacted. In many cases, we will not have enough available spots in ASES or Student Care to offer the service to everyone who adds their name to a wait list. Availability and wait times depend on the school site, and can vary from year to year. If ASES or Student Care has not offered you a spot in your school's ASES or Student Care program by February 1 of the current school year, you will need to add your name to the following school year's wait list. The ASES and Student Care wait lists do not roll over from one school year to the next.
Please note, we only call people from the wait list if we have a spot available for your student in the program at your school site. Adding your name to the wait list does not guarantee you a spot in the program.