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2023 Career Technical Education Summer Preceptorship Program (CTESPP)

Thank you to our business partners that supported work-based learning this summer and provided internships to 70 FCUSD students!

The internships were provided in nine different Industry Sectors including:

·         Agriculture & Natural Resources

·         Arts, Media & Entertainment

·         Building & Construction

·         Business & Finance

·         Education, Child Development & Family Services

·         Engineering & Architecture

·         Health Science & Medical Terminology

·         Information & Communication Technologies

·         Manufacturing & Product Development

The students participated in the hybrid high school course consisting of three elements: In-class instruction on Professional Skills, Work-Based Learning and a research project that culminated into a TED Talk.

The 2023 CTESPP will be held from Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, June 30 and the students, families and business partners enjoyed an in-person celebration on Monday, June 26. Please view the photo gallery below for images from the special event. Link to video created by a student intern.

Here is a link to an article published by the CA Department of Technology on our student interns and a link from the FCUSD website.

Please contact Alicia Caddell, the CTE Coordinator for any questions.