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Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information for Parents and Student Athletes
Governor Brown signed AB 1639, the Eric Paredes Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act, into law on September 29,2016. This law expands student athlete safety standards to include Sudden Cardiac Arrest protocol. The legislation will require student athletes to acknowledge annually that they received a fact sheet on cardiac arrest warning signs starting July 1, 2017. It will also require a coach or someone in a similar position to remove a student who passes out or faints during athletic activity. Sudden Cardiac Arrest, or SCA, is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. When SCA happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA can be life threatening. Please see the list of indicators and the linked documents below for more information. Recognize the warning signs of Sudden Cardiac Arrest: • racing heart, palpitations or irregular heartbeat
• dizziness or lightheadedness
• fainting or seizure, especially during or right after exercise
• fainting repeatedly or with excitement or startle
• chest pain or discomfort with exercise
• excessive, unexpected fatigue during or after exercise
• excessive shortness of breath during exercise
• dizziness or lightheadedness
• fainting or seizure, especially during or right after exercise
• fainting repeatedly or with excitement or startle
• chest pain or discomfort with exercise
• excessive, unexpected fatigue during or after exercise
• excessive shortness of breath during exercise
Compiled SCA Information:
SCA Parent-Student Review Form
SCA Parent-Student Review Form Spanish
SCA Parent Physician Release Form
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