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Dear FCUSD families / students / community,

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

On behalf of the coaches, advisors, teachers and administrators of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD), we welcome you to our District’s athletic program and wish you a successful season/s. FCUSD recognizes athletic competition as an integral part of the school experience. As such, all athletes should have the opportunity to participate in some form of interscholastic athletics within the limitations of each individual sport and such participation should encourage positive scholastic growth and achievement. Both the student athletes and the sport itself should be a credit to the school and the community. FCUSD realizes that an effective interscholastic athletic program is a product of the responsible cooperation among its five major contributors: the student athlete, the parents/guardians, the coaching staff, the school site and our district administration.

FCUSD strives to strengthen the integrity of students in the community by promoting the concepts of sportsmanship, honesty, and quality academics. These priorities advance the highest principles of character, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. Participation in school sports programs is a privilege, not a right. 

FCUSD schools are members of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), we are an Educational Based Athletic Program. We believe that athletics are a great way to keep students engaged in the school culture and climate.  We have eligibility requirements which include residential, academic, athletic clearance, attendance and behavior expectations. 

Thank you for the continued support,

Peter Maroon (District Director of Athletics, FCUSD)

Education-Based Athletics

Our athletic programs firmly believe that all participants are students first and athletes second. Unlike youth sports and collegial level, FCUSD is an Education-Based Athletic program. FCUSD recognizes athletic competition as an integral part of the school experience. As such, all athletes should have the opportunity to participate in some form of interscholastic athletics within the limitations of each individual sport and such participation should encourage positive scholastic growth and achievement. Both the student athletes and the sport itself should be a credit to the school and the community. FCUSD realizes that an effective interscholastic athletic program is a product of the responsible cooperation among its five major contributors: the student athlete, the parents/guardians, the coaching staff, the school site and our district administration. FCUSD strives to strengthen the integrity of students and adults in the community by promoting the concepts of sportsmanship, honesty, and quality academics. These priorities advance the highest principles of character, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.

Contact Info

Peter Maroon
District Director of Athletics and Physical Education
1965 Birkmont Dr.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
(916) 294-9388