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Multi-Tiered System of Support MTSS

California's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning in a fully integrated system of support for the benefit of all students. MTSS offers the potential to create needed systematic change through intentional design and redesign of services and supports to quickly identify and match to the needs of all students.



By embracing the Whole Child approach to teaching and learning, grounded in Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), and utilizing Implementation Science and Improvement Science for continuous improvement, the California MTSS framework lays the foundation for the statewide system of support. 

MTSS is built on the premise that universal support must be provided for all students while recognizing that some students may need supplemental support at various times and a few students may require more intensified support some of the time to be successful in the most inclusive and equitable learning environment of their grade level peers.

Continuum of Support

In Folsom Cordova, we believe in maintaining a student-centered focus as we bring together resources and actions to make a system of support that meets the needs of our students and community. The MTSS Framework below is a visual representation of how the various programs, practices, and beliefs interconnect to provide this support.

FCUSD MTSS Framework

Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Folsom Cordova Unified believes that as a district, we are a learning agency with our community. Together we are a professional learning community (PLC) in services to all of our students and families. PLCs are the foundation structure that...

  • Supports all of our initiatives & programs. 
  • Creates the culture of how we behave, interact and collaborate in service of ALL STUDENTS learning at high levels.  
  • Creates a safe, caring and nurturing environment where Social-Emotional Learning is palpable throughout the building, the departments and the classrooms, positively impacting both the students and the adults.  

Climate 2.0

Within our PLC, we believe that teaching and learning happen best when all members of the community experience positive connections with one another, experience a supportive and inclusive learning climate, and promotes a collaborative and student-centered culture of teaching and learning.

Social-Emotional Learning

We believe that a climate and culture of acceptance and understanding healthy in positive connections can be achieved through the teaching of these Social- Emotional competencies both explicitly and embedded within academic subject matter. These skills will better prepare our students for success in school, the workforce, and life.

Positive Learning Environment

By focusing on the development and use of these interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (SEL), we believe that a positive learning environment can be created for all students. Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) will better support the learning environment for our students and will help identify where additional supports may be needed.

Response to Intervention

Within this positive learning environment, support structures can be better utilized to help reach the needs of all of our students through a flexible system of support for academics and behavior that is directly tied back to our professional learning community in service of ALL STUDENTS learning at high levels.