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Music Class Options

Elementary Music Program

Description of Music Classes Offered at all FCUSD Elementary Schools

General Music (Required for all 4th & 5th grade students): Families may choose to place their child in an instrument class instead of General Music. 

General Music offers basic instruction in music theory, listening, rhythm, movement, singing, and recorder playing and open to all students.  Students will be provided with a book and recorder in their music class.  Desktop stands are available for student use.  The Recorder book is called Be a Recorder Super Star, Ed Sueda, by Macie Publishing Company.

Beginning Strings:

If your child chooses to take Beginning Strings, they can choose from Violin, Viola, or Cello.  This class includes introductory instruction on the care of the instrument, reading music, technique, and tone production.  There is a limited number of District instruments available for borrowing.  Daily home practice of 15-20 minutes is necessary for progress and continued success in orchestra.  All for Strings, Book 1 is the music book for this class and will be given to each student by the music teacher.  Purchase of a folding music stand is also recommended for home practice, but not required.  Spring concerts will showcase all that students have learned throughout the year. 

Beginning Band:

Beginning Band students can choose from Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet or Trombone. Students are taught how to read music, how to properly hold and play their instrument, the fundamentals of getting a sound out of their instrument, and how to care for and clean their instrument. There is a limited number of District instruments available to laon. Daily home practice of 15-20 minutes is necessary for progress and continued success in band. Standard of Excellence, Book 1 is the music book for this class and will be given to each student by the music teacher. Purchase of a folding music stand is also recommended for home practice, but not required. Spring concerts will showcase all that students have learned throughout the year.