Dedicated to excellence in education
Instruments - Rent, Purchase
Instruments 23-24
To Obtain an Instrument for Strings or Band:
1. Families can supply their own instrument as long as it is one that we are teaching and fits the student properly.
2. Families can purchase an instrument. Please purchase from a music store and avoid purchasing online or at a 'big box' store.
3. Families can borrow an instrument from FCUSD. The district has a limited number of instruments available for loan. We ask the student to provide their first and second instrument choice. We can not guarantee that the student will receive their first choice of instrument. District loaned instruments will be delivered to school sites. We ask for a donation of $40 to cover the cost of cleaning and repairs. This is a voluntary donation and can be made privately on our website link. Families take the responsibility for the care of the instrument. If something breaks, please do not attempt to repair it. Simply give the broken instrument to the music teacher and we will switch it with another one. We ask families to return instruments to the Cordova Lane Center in May during designated dates and times.
General Music materials will be provided by the district and distributed to the students in music class.
1. Families can supply their own instrument as long as it is one that we are teaching and fits the student properly.
2. Families can purchase an instrument. Please purchase from a music store and avoid purchasing online or at a 'big box' store.
3. Families can borrow an instrument from FCUSD. The district has a limited number of instruments available for loan. We ask the student to provide their first and second instrument choice. We can not guarantee that the student will receive their first choice of instrument. District loaned instruments will be delivered to school sites. We ask for a donation of $40 to cover the cost of cleaning and repairs. This is a voluntary donation and can be made privately on our website link. Families take the responsibility for the care of the instrument. If something breaks, please do not attempt to repair it. Simply give the broken instrument to the music teacher and we will switch it with another one. We ask families to return instruments to the Cordova Lane Center in May during designated dates and times.
General Music materials will be provided by the district and distributed to the students in music class.
Instruments |
Purchasing an Instrument:
Consider carefully before you purchase an instrument from any of the “big box” warehouse stores or online. These instruments tend to be poorly made, don’t hold a tune, and music stores will not repair them when they inevitably break. Most music stores operate “rent to own” programs if you want to purchase an instrument.