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English Language Proficiency Assessments for California - ELPAC



Initial ELPAC

The Initial ELPAC administration window is:

August 8th, 2024 - May 29, 2025

Initial Parent Notification Letters

ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - English

ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - Spanish

Alternative ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - English

Alternative ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - Spanish

Summative ELPAC

The Summative ELPAC administration window is:

February 3, 2025 - May 29, 2025

Summative Parent Notification Letters

ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - English

ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - Spanish

Alternative ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - English

Alternative ELPAC Parent Notification Letter - Spanish

Starting Smarter

The ELPAC test is used to measure how well students in kindergarten through twelfth grade understand English when it is not their primary language. The ELPAC Starting Smarter website has launched! This website provides a variety of ELPAC resources including samples of Initial, Summative, and Alternate ELPAC student score reports, sample test questions, and much more. 

Score Reports 

Accessing Electronic ELPAC Student Score Reports

Sample ELPAC Score Reports

Please check with your child's school site for specific testing dates and times.

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the successor to the California English Language Development Test (CELDT).  The ELPAC is the required state test for English language proficiency (ELP) that must be given to students whose primary language is a language other than English. 

State and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The ELPAC is aligned with California's English Language Development Standards and is comprised of two separate ELP assessments:

  1. Initial ELPAC—an initial identification of students as English learners
  2. Summative ELPAC—an annual summative assessment to measure an English learner's progress in learning English and to identify the student's ELP level

Click here to do a practice test with your student

Contact Information 

Lisa Tomiak
ELPAC LEA Coordinator
(916) 294-9000 Ext. 103515