Wellness Policy
The Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP), also known as the Wellness Policy, is a written document that guides school district efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students' health, well-being and ability to learn. Federal law requires all schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program to have a Wellness Policy (BP 5030).
Triennial Review
School Districts must conduct an assessment of their Local School Wellness Policy every 3 years. The assessment must include: How the Wellness Policy compares to a model policy, Compliance with the Wellness Policy, and progress towards goals. Click on the links below to view the 2021-22 triennial review results.
Wellness Resources
Click on the links below to learn more about health and wellness programs in the FCUSD.
Drug Awareness: https://www.fcusd.org/Page/33316
Internet Safety: https://www.fcusd.org/Page/38217
Mental Health Resources: https://www.fcusd.org/Page/39160
Nutrition & FItness: https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=0208131451023969&page=nutriandfit
Nutrition Education: https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=0208131451023969&page=parentstudentteacher