Tobacco Cessation Support
Individual Tobacco Cessation Support Highlights
(Kinney High School, Prospect Community Day School)
Students may elect to meet with Recovery Happens trained staff to prepare to quit using tobacco/ nicotine products. In a caring and supportive environment they learn ways to deal with triggers attributed to tobacco use, dealing with relapse and identifying that which motivates them to stay of course. Brief sessions (up to 4) are offered on campus, during school and range from 20-30 minutes in duration. Community-based tobacco education resources and referrals will also be shared with students.
Community Resources
Overall, smoking or vaping increases someone's risk for COVID-19 because:
- The immune system is supressed making the lungs less ready to fight a COVID-19 infection (shown above)
- The lungs produce more of the ACE2 receptor/protein, which acts as a "doorway" for the virus
- Those who reported smoking and were hospitalized due to pneumonia from COVID-19 were less likely to recover
- The risk of transmitting the virus is greater since fingers are in contact with lips from holding the nicotine product
- The risk of transmitting the virus is greater if sharing a nicotine product such as a water pipe or hookah
Teen and Parent Resources (quit lines, Apps, benefits of quitting and more)
Phone Counseling & Online Services
American Lung Association
Text and App Resources for Quitting
Apps and Resources to Quit Vaping and Tobacco (CYAN Online)
Free Quit Kits
Sacramento County Tobacco Education Program
Health Plan Resources
Dignity Health of Sacramento
916-453-4268 (General)
916-537-5299 (San Juan)
"No Ifs, Ands or Butts" Behavior
Modification 6-week classes
UC Davis Health System
Toll Free: 1-866-683-2154
Quit Smoking Program; Free to all
UCD Members, and some classes open to all