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Prevention Programs

Project Alert (PA)

(Project Alert instruction takes place in Physical Education classes at Folsom Middle, Mills Middle, Mitchell Middle, & Sutter Middle)

Project Alert is a skills based curriculum, implemented in 7th & 8th grade, to teach students how to say "NO" to drugs. They learn to become aware of the many misleading media messages that bombard them about drugs and the high risks of associated with use. PA is evidence-based and designed to prevent teenage non-users from experimenting with alcohol, marijuana, tobacco and other drugs, as well as prevent teenage experimenters from becoming regular users.


Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit Lessons

(Tobacco Prevention instruction takes place in Health classes at Folsom High, Vista Del Lago High, Cordova High, Kinney High, Folsom Lake High & Prospect Community Day)

Theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students' use of tobacco and nicotine.


FCUSD Staff Resource Guide for Tobacco, Vape, and Marijuana-Free Schools and Youth

Staff Resource Guide for Tobacco, Vape and Marijuana-Free Schools and Youth