Tuberculosis (TB) Free Clinics
Clinic Dates
All Clinics are held at 1965 Birkmont Drive, Rancho Cordova
No Appointment Required. Employees and Volunteers must come to the Monday ClinicMonday 3pm-4:30pm
- August 19
- September 23
- October 21
- November 4
- December 2
- January 6
- February 10
- March 17
- April 7
- May 12
Wednesday clinics are for Skin Test Readings (only). Time will be provided at the Monday clinic
- August 21
- September 25
- October 23
- November 6
- December 4
- January 8
- February 12
- March 18
- April 9
- May 14
TB Nurse
Suzanne Murray RN ( or 916-294-9013