Measure N - $125 Million Bond - 2006
Approved by voters of Rancho Cordova in 2006, Measure N provided $125 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to existing schools in Rancho Cordova.
Cordova Gardens ES: Work completed
- New student gathering areas at drop off zones
- New bus loading and student drop-off/pick-up areas
- New landscape at the front of the campus
- New security fencing along Dawes and Rinda streets
- Removal of old trailer
- Remodel of the administration area
- Conversion of four classrooms into a new computer lab
- Installation of a digital marquee
- Installation of a new apparatus play area
- Installation of Interactive White Board (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
- Upgrade of network hardware
Cordova Meadows ES: Work completed
- Constructed a new secured kindergarten playground
- Secured front of campus with new decorative iron fencing
- Created a new bus drop off in front of campus
- Replaced old relocatable classrooms
- Created a more visible location for the main office
- Relocated programs from relocatables to permanent structures or smaller office spaces on campus
- Remodeled main office spaces, including the nurses' room and workroom
- Upgraded the computer lab and library to a new Learning Resource Center
- Upgraded restrooms and drinking fountains to current code
- Replaced intrusion alarm system with an addressable system
- Repaired and upgraded campus common areas
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Cordova Villa ES: Work completed
- Constructed a new multipurpose building
- Construction a new kindergarten building, playground and apparatus area
- Created additional staff parking and drop-off areas
- Created a kindergarten drop-off and parking lot
- New student furniture
- Installation of video surveillance
- Installed new irrigation and campus-wide landscaping
- Installed new hard courts and playgrounds
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Mather Heights ES: Work completed
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Classroom, kindergarten and multipurpose room building improvements
- Install access compliant drinking fountains
- Create a new parent drop-off area
- Shade structure for playground
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Navigator ES: Work completed
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Shade structure for playground
- Installed a digital marquee
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Peter J Shields ES: Work completed
- New student gathering areas at drop-off zones
- New bus loading and student drop-off/pick-up areas
- New landscape at the front of the campus
- New security fencing along the front of the campus
- Installation of a digital marquee
- Installation of a new apparatus play area
- New playground equipment
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Rancho Cordova ES: Work completed
- New student gathering areas at drop-off zones
- New bus loading and student drop-off/pick-up areas
- New landscape at the front of the campus
- Installation of a digital marquee
- Installation of a new apparatus play area
- New playground equipment
- Removal of some portable classrooms
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
White Rock ES: Work completed
- Improved ventilation in the kitchen
- Repaired HVAC
- Installed a digital marquee
- Shade structure for playground
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Williamson ES: Work completed
- Remodeled library building to create a library/computer lab combination, provide new office space and teaching spaces for speech, psychologist, RSP, bilingual aides, parent coordinator and Title 1
- Remodeled girls and boys restrooms for access compliance
- Installed new student gathering areas at drop-off zones
- Provided a new student drop-off/pick-up area
- Installed new playground equipment
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Mills Middle School: Work completed
- Installed new locker room lockers
- Installed new lighting, flooring, bleachers, curtains and wall panels in the gymnasium
- Added a second computer lab
- Installed a parcourse
- Replaces diseased trees with new trees
- Installed a digital marquee
- Upgraded fire alarm, intrusion and phone systems
- Repaired irrigation systems and replaced common area landscaping
- Installed video surveillance
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
Mitchell Middle School: Work completed
- Painted campus interiors
- Replaced floors, ceilings, lighting and casework in classrooms as needed
- Installed new blinds or window coverings in all classrooms
- Replaced drinking fountains with access compliant units
- Provided access compliance upgrades
- Replaced fire and intrusion system with an addressable system
- Installed a digital marquee
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Renovation of gymnasium
Cordova High School: Work completed
- Construction of a two-story science/classroom building
- Reconstruction of the F-wing to house the culinary academy, ceramics, 2D/3D art, special education and a café annex
- Replacement of teacher desks and chairs, supplied new furniture and equipment for the two story building and classrooms in unit F
- Installed video surveillance
- Installed Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Upgraded fire and intrusion systems
- Installed a new VoIP phone system
- Began replacement of staff and student computers and printers
- Finished campus-wide wireless deployment
- Demolition of Wing A
- Construction of a new performing arts building
- Renovated cafeteria interior finishes
- Renovate landscape areas throughout campus
- Install additional staff parking
- Provide a new access road from the student parking lot to stadium parking lot
Kinney High School:
- Upgraded network hardware
- Installed Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Deployed campus-wide wireless access
Improvements planned to be funded by Measure P (N):
- Remodel restrooms for access compliance
- Remodel the shop classroom
- Remodel the main building to create classroom spaces that will accommodate maximum student load
- Identify main campus entrance
- Upgrade landscape and irrigation
- Expand student and staff parking lots
Mather Youth Academy and Youth Opportunity at the Kitty Hawk Campus:
- Created a new Learning Resource Center (library/computer lab combination) in Building H
- Provided new landscape at the front of the campus
- Abated asbestos found during remodel
- Replaced all flooring in classroom buildings
- Upgraded restrooms for access compliance
- Upgraded intrusion and intercom systems
- Relocated a relocatable classroom from Cordova High for use as a science room
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements