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Measure M - $750 Million Bond

2007 School Facility Improvement District (SFID) 3 (East of Sunrise Blvd, South of Hwy 50)

What is a School Facility Improvement District (SFID)? 
An SFID is a portion of the school district that is taxed through a general obligation (G.O.) bond based on the value of the property and approved by the voters in that portion of the district being taxed. When SFIDs were created in 1998, they required two-thirds voter approval. In July 2001, the Legislature added the option of a 55% voter approval threshold with the additional accountability provisions of Proposition 39.  Typically, SFIDs involve housing developments that create additional facility needs for the school district.  
Bond Information:
Order of Election Resolution
Map of Measure M Area
Measure M Press Release
Facilities Funding Chart
January 23, 2018 Presentation    
Annual Report to Voters:
2021-2022 Annual Report to  Voters  
2022-2023 Annual Report to Voters

Measure M Performance Audits: 
2022-2023 Performance Audit

2021-2022 Performance Audit
2020-2021 Performance Audit
2019-2020 Performance Audit
2018-2019 Performance Audit
2017-2018 Performance Audit
2016-2017 Performance Audit 
2015-2016 Performance Audit
2014-2015 Performance Audit
2013-2014 Performance Audit 
2012-2013 Performance Audit
2011-2012 Performance Audit  

 Measure M funded projects:  Measure M will fund a wide variety of projects throughout the existing campuses in Rancho Cordova and in the south of 50 area in Folsom.  The links below will take you to the sites where Measure M funds are being expended and will provide a detail regarding the improvements.  It was estimated that Measure M would fund up to 30 new schools in the Measure M area.   

 Site  Project Type  Status  
 Mather High/Morrison Creek Middle  New Middle/High School  Planning 
 Education Services Center  New Construction  Complete
 New Maintenance Services Center  New Construction  Planning
 Rio del Oro Elementary #1  New Elementary  Planning
 Glenborough Elementary #1  New Elementary  Planning
 Mangini Ranch Elementary  New Elementary  Opened August, 2021
 Alder Creek Elementary  New Elementary Opened August, 2024
 Folsom Ranch Elementary #3 (name TBD)  New Elementary  Planning
 Folsom Ranch Middle  New Middle  Planning
 Folsom Ranch High  New High  Planning and Design

 Measure M Citizens Oversight Committee (COC):  Although Measure M does not require a Citizens Oversight Committee, the District included the formation of a COC as part of the bond text.  The Citizens Oversight Committee is established to assure that bond funds are used as outlined in the ballot.  The committee reviews an annual audit performed by an outside firm and reports its findings to the community.  Click on the following link for more information: Measure M Citizens Oversight Committee