Folsom Ranch
School sites are in blue.
As the Folsom Ranch Area (previously referred to as the Folsom Area Specific Plan) continues development, Folsom Cordova Unified School District is planning the construction of several new elementary schools, a middle school/high school for Folsom Ranch Area students. Until new schools are constructed, students in the Folsom Ranch Area will attend or be bussed to:
Elementary School:
- Mangini Ranch Elementary School - Overflow students will be bused to an elementary school within the Folsom Cordova Unified School District with capacity.
- Alder Creek Elementary School - Overflow students will be bused to an elementary school within the Folsom Cordova Unified School District with capacity.
Middle School:
- Folsom Middle until capacity is reached
High School:
- Folsom High
Tentative school openings:
Middle School -To Be Determined*
High School - To Be Determined*
*Dependent on home sales, development buildout and funding availability.