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Folsom Cordova Unified School District
2021/2022 School Boundary Modifications

(School Board Approved 11/21/2019
and Effective Starting with 2020/2021 School Year)

At the November 21, 2019, school board meeting, the following changes were made to the existing school attendance boundaries:

  • Students enrolled in middle or high school, as either resident, School Choice, or on an Interdistrict Transfer Permit (ITP), in the 2020/21 school year will be allowed to finish their educational career at that school, provided that they remain within the boundaries or at the same residence at time of School Choice or ITP approval and adhere to the terms of the School Choice or ITP Agreement. 
  • Effective for the 2020/21 school year, students residing within the Twilight Mobile Home Park and Oakbrook Apartment Complex will be assigned to Natoma Station Elementary School, Sutter Middle School and Folsom High School. 
  • Continuing 2019/20 middle school students residing in the Blanche Sprentz elementary school attendance area will continue to have the option to be admitted into Vista del Lago High School for the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 school years, consistent with other Vista del Lago feeder schools.  These students must have been enrolled in a FCUSD middle school in 2020/21.
  • 2019/20 8th grade students at Folsom Middle School that promoted out of the FLES program at Folsom Hills Elementary School but do not reside in the Vista del Lago High attendance boundary, have the option to be admitted into Vista del Lago High School.  However, because space at Vista del Lago High School will be limited there will be no guarantee of admittance and so registration will follow the same process as the 2019/20 school year registration. 
  • Starting with the 2020/21 school year, dual enrollment at the middle and high school level for incoming 5th grade students and newly enrolling students residing within the Blanche Sprentz and Folsom Hills elementary school attendance areas will NOT be an option. Attendance area assignments are as follows:
    • Effective 2020/21, all elementary grade students residing in the Blanche Sprentz elementary school attendance area are assigned to Sutter Middle and Folsom High attendance areas.
    • Effective 2020/21, all elementary grade students residing in the Folsom Hills elementary school attendance area are assigned to Folsom Middle and Vista del Lago High School attendance areas.
    • Students wishing to attend a school outside their assigned attendance area must follow the school choice process. 

Note:  Students enrolled in middle or high school as School Choice or on an ITP at the middle are allowed to finish their educational career at that school, provided that they remain within the boundaries or at the same residence at time of School Choice or ITP approval and adhere to the terms of the School Choice or ITP Agreement.

Board Approved: December 19, 2019