Measure N Improvements
Improvements funded from Measure N that were completed during the summer of 2009:
- Improved ventilation in the kitchen
- Repaired HVAC
- Created a larger library
- Installed video surveillance
- Improved security for bike rack area and installed new bike racks
- Provided additional exterior lighting
- Upgraded phone system
- Created an entry canopy and walkways to the administration building
- Repaired irrigation piping
- Replaced old walkways
- Installed a trash enclosure
- Replace chain link fence along street fronts with six foot high decorative iron fence
- Added additional parking stalls
- installed a digital marquee and site map signs
- Renovated play fields
- Provided seal coat of asphalt and new striping
- Installation of Interactive White Boards (SmartBoards) in all classrooms
- Student and staff computer replacements
- Upgrade of network hardware
- Campus-wide wireless access deployment
- Upgrade of educational software
- Shade structure for playground