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Registering on District Web Sites

Web Site Registration

Registration Link 

This is not a log-on for Powerschool Portal accounts or part of the Student Registration process, please contact the staff at your student's school front office for assistance.

Do not register or create a website account for staff or students, instead contact .

Do not use or  as a username or e-mail when registering for a website account.  They will not work properly and will be deleted.

FCUSD Web Site Registration tips and information:

The system does not store birth dates, it is to verify your age for compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Parents & Guardians, under title please type PARENT (not Mr. Mrs, Ms, PhD, Doctor, mom or dad, etc).  If you are a leader in your student's school PTA, PTO, PTSO organization, please enter PTA .

Parents / guardians please do not use your child's log in name or e-mail as your login name or your e-mail as this creates conflict within the system.  The e-mail address requested is to reach you when there are problems and to assist in granting website access.  Accounts created via the registration process that resemble student logins will be deleted.  Thank you for your understanding.

FCUSD employees with children in the district please DO NOT USE your district username or e-mail address during this registration process.

The registration process is voluntary.

The website sign in and registration process are not for Powerschool, the Powerschool Parent Portal or associated with registering your child for school - these are two very different and distinct things.  For assistance logging into Powerschool please see the Administrative Assistant at your child's school front office.

Who should not register:

Staff, by default already have accounts. Should they elect to receive E-Alerts, once signed in look under My Account and edit account settings to subscribe.

Students, under any circumstances, should not complete the web site registration process.  This process will not add them to the correct groups and they will not be given access to the resources they may be trying to access.  Additionally, attempting to register blocks automated correction processes, creating long term and difficult to correct issues.  Students signing into the web site that receive "account not found" or "invalid user name or password" notifications should immediately contact the teacher who owns the resource.  The teacher will contact ETIS to resolve. If this occurs during the summer, prior to school starting or during summer school e-mail the FCUSD Webmaster at .  Include the student's whole name, date of birth and student ID number in the e-mail.  Student accounts created via this registration page will be deleted.

Who should register:

Parents who wish to sign up for and reserve their time slot(s) for school website calendar events such as FHS student enrollment information sessions, Folsom Cordova Community Charter homeschool parents for educational lessons, and parents of elementary students for Parent Teacher Conferences.

Parents who wish to receive e-mail notifications when they subscribe to their child's teacher website, or child's school website. These email messages are called E-Alerts.  They may contain information about the change to the website and will have a direct link to the changed web page.

Community members who wish to subscribe to FCUSD web pages or sites to receive E-Alerts.

For additional information about Registration, E-Alerts and Subscribing to District Pages, download the guide.