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Thank you PTAs, PTOs, and Booster Clubs!

(School-Connected Organizations)

School-Connected Organizations (SCO) are essential partners in education. PTAs, PTOs, and Booster Clubs add significant opportunities and resources to our schools.  Folsom Cordova Unified is thankful for all that school-connected organizations do to enhance and strengthen the student experience.

The SCO Regulation Book was created in collaboration with multiple district departments, including Fiscal, Purchasing, Facilities, Athletics, Human Resources, and Business Services to provide information to groups about standard operating procedures.  Guidelines for financial procedures and liability protection are included, as well as forms and template examples.  Completing the processes outlined will help ensure compliance with BP and AR 1230 and establish efficient coordination for all involved. 

All SCOs are required to provide Folsom Cordova Unified with a Certificate of Insurance (COI) naming FCUSD as a certificate holder ACCOMPANIED BY and Endorsement page(s).  Check with the school site for a list of approved vendors for your SCO events!  If the SCO would like to bring third parties to an event, they are also required to supply the District with a COI, naming Folsom Cordova Unified School District as a certificate holder.

The following statement MUST be posted on all media, including, but not limited to, emails, flyers, and advertising:  “This is not a Folsom Cordova Unified School District Sponsored program.  Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the District or school personnel.  The District accepts no liability or responsibility for the program/activity.”


Folsom Cordova Unified School District appreciates your time, effort, and commitment!

PTA / PTO / Booster Club Files

PTA/PTO Handbook

Booster Handbook

Activity List

School-Connected Organizations - Request for Authorization application

Staffing Guide for School-Connected Organizations

Robert's Rules of Order: Chart of Motions

Robert's Rules is a time-tested manual of "parliamentary procedure" for conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. 

For Fair and Orderly Meetings, visit Robert's Rules of Order.

How to Use Motions

A motion is a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. Individual members can:

  • Move a motion
  • Second a motion
  • Amend motions
  • Debate motions
  • Vote on motions

For More information, click chart of motions.


Budget Tools
