Welcome to Risk Management
We highly value the safety and security of our community partners.
Insurance and Liability - To protect the interest of all parties, insurance is required to provide any type of service, regardless of payment, on District Property.
A Certificate of Insurance with $2,000,000 per occurrence in General Liability coverage MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by an Additional Endorsement page. This is required at least 14 days prior to any event. Fulfillment of this requirement is a condition of being able to participate in District events.
Examples include, but not limited to:
- Community Groups / Health Care Professionals / Non-Profit Organizations
- Volunteer Groups / Food Trucks / Job Fair Vendors
- After-school Enrichment Programs / Mobile Labs & Classrooms
- Performers / Entertainers /School-Connected Organizations
- On-site Conferences / Trainings / Installations / Repair Work
Download requirements below:
Certificate of Insurance (COI) District Requirements
Please enter your contact information here for assistance
Send the complete COI to: ssharp@fcusd.org
COVID-19 INFORMATION - Staff and student health and safety are top priorities at Folsom Cordova Unified School District. Our COVID-19 Non-Emergency Safety Plan is developed with guidelines from the California Public Health Department, local/state agencies, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and Cal/OSHA. District procedures are not exhaustive and will be adjusted as guidelines change with the evolving situation. A concentrated effort from everyone will help to achieve our goals for safe and healthy schools.
Outside Professional Health Services -
Please read Outside Agency Notice of Requirements to provide services to students during school hours.