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November 5, 2021

Update: FCUSD Board Briefs and Updates, Nov 5

November 5,  2021

Dear FCUSD Community:

At last night’s Board Meeting, a special presentation was given by the teachers, students and principal Mrs. Boudouris, from Natoma Station, on how they are working together to create a positive, inclusive and welcoming school climate. They have put into action several innovative strategies to support Social Emotional Learning (SEL), as part of their commitment to the District’s goal of SEL as a Bridge to Educational Equity for all students. Attached is the presentation they shared.

The Care Solace contract was adopted, which is a program that will connect staff and students with extra wellness resources, including support for mental health and substance use challenges. This program will facilitate access outside of the school district, allowing students and staff to receive quality care, regardless of circumstances. The contract will be in place for five years and will be paid using one-time ESSER funds.

To view a presentation with more information, please click HERE

Bond measures fund facilities improvements for the safety, beauty, and functionality of our schools. Community members provide an important role as agents for oversight, as funds are spent, so transparency and accountability are provided to the public. Two local bond reports were shared last night

  • Measure G Bond Oversight Committee presented their annual report for 2019-2020
    • To see the report, click HERE
    • To learn more about Measure G, and the improvements made, click HERE
  • Measure M Bond Oversight Committee presented their annual report for 2019-2020
    • To see the report, click HERE
    • To learn more about Measure M, and the improvements made, click HERE

Bond Oversight Committee Members Needed!

We are currently accepting applications for members of the community to be on both Measure G and Measure M committees. This is a wonderful way to get involved with the school district and play a very important role in the fiscal oversight of public funds. For more information, please contact: Elia Escobar at or call 916-294-9000.

2022-23 Instructional Calendar

The 2022-23 Instructional Calendar was discussed. Next school year both the Christmas holiday and New Year’s Day, fall on a Sunday, presenting a unique challenge for the start and end of winter break. In an effort to balance the number of days before and after winter break so instructional days are equivalent and minimize disruption for family plans, two instructional calendar options were discussed, Draft A and Draft B, and a third option will be presented at the upcoming November 18 Board meeting.