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June 10, 2022

FCUSD Board Briefs and Updates, June 10
June 10, 2022

Dear FCUSD Community,

Please read below for a recap of topics addressed at last night’s Board meeting.

Special presentations  

Student-Athletes who participated in spring sports were highlighted and honored.  Students, coaches, and administration from Cordova High, Folsom High, and Vista del Lago were on hand to be honored. Check out our picture on Twitter to see them.

National Board Certified Teachers and Teacher Candidates were honored for their remarkable achievement and dedication to teaching. This national certification is the most rigorous certification for the teaching profession. Since 1994, FCUSD has had 70 teachers successfully achieve certification, more than any other district in the region, and keeping FCUSD a consistent leader in our region and state. To learn more about NBCT please visit the presentation HERE. and take a look at the picture we took HERE.

Leadership Announcements

Several new leaders were announced who are either new to our District or taking on new leadership roles. To read more about them, please visit our website HERE.

Public Hearing: Design Tech High School - Rancho Cordova Petition 

Design Tech High School submitted a petition on April 22, 2022, to open a campus in Rancho Cordova. Pursuant to California Education Code Section 47605(b), no later than 60 days after receiving a petition, in accordance with subdivision (a), the governing board of the school district shall hold a public hearing on the provisions of the charter, at which time the governing board of the school district shall consider the level of support for the petition by teachers employed by the school district, other employees of the school district, and parents. 

Design Tech High School petition may be found here.

Design Tech High School presentation may be found here.

Steeplechase Installation at Cordova High School

The City of Rancho Cordova passed a resolution authorizing the City Manager and staff to enter into discussions with Folsom Cordova Unified School District about the addition of a steeplechase pit and associated equipment at Cordova High School.  FCUSD staff is working on the coordination and installation of a track resurfacing project and the steeplechase pit installation. The track resurfacing project will be completed this summer and the steeplechase pit project is estimated to be completed in the fall to allow for use at track meets next summer.

Transformative Social Emotional Learning (TSEL) Action Plan

In 2018, The California Department of Education (CDE) identified Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) as significantly disproportionate based on race or ethnicity with respect to the over-identification of African American/Black children with disabilities in a specific disability category and disproportionate suspension of African American/Black students with disabilities.  Further, FCUSD student outcome data (suspensions, chronic absenteeism, special education eligibility, graduation rates, CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), English Language Arts (ELA) & math) reflects the need to strategically address disproportionate suspensions, achievement, and opportunity gaps for marginalized student groups.

In alignment with the FCUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), the following actions were implemented to advance educational equity in FCUSD. Staff’s full report may be viewed HERE.

2022-2023 Tentative Budget

A discussion on the proposed budget for the 2022-23 school year was given. 

The District bases its budget on the guidelines document reviewed by the Budget Advisory Committee and approved by the FCUSD Board on April 28, 2022, and by using the best information available from FCUSD known data, School Services of California, SCOE, and other fiscal education sources at the time of adoption. The budget, therefore, should be considered a “financial snapshot” with information known as of May 20, 2022

A presentation and overview of the adopted budget may be found HERE, with further details listing Expenditures by Object HERE

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2022-2023

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.

The LCAP development process serves three distinct, but related functions:

  • Comprehensive Strategic Planning 
  • Meaningful Engagement of Educational Partners
  • Accountability and Compliance

A high priority for the Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) is the inclusion of meaningful engagement of educational partners in the development of the LCAP and its respective budget process. Opportunities to provide input included: the District Advisory Committee (DAC), Community Advisory Committee (CAC), Parent Summits, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Student Advisory Board meetings(SAB), employee group members, and FCUSD Board meetings.   

Educational partner input resulted in common themes such as:  

  • A desire for more academic support outside the classroom (afterschool, tutoring, etc.)
  • Request for continued mental health support and integration of education equity in district initiatives
  • Identified need for increased, targeted support for highest-need student groups, with a focus on Foster, English Learner/Low Income (EL/LI), and early intervention

Continuing expenditures include: academic interventions held during the school year and summer, Career Guidance Clerks, Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT), core class support teachers, Intervention Teachers, English Language Development (ELD) support teachers, district-wide professional development, translators, additional counselor and assistant principal allocations at high-poverty schools, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist (Lead Teachers), school climate and student achievement supports, attendance and health supports, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Leaders and support, Bilingual Instructional Aides, testing services, early childhood education, technology, and intervention supports.

To read the full LCAP, please click on this link