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February 4, 2022

FCUSD Board Briefs and Updates, Feb 4

February 4, 2022

Dear FCUSD Community: Please see today’s Board Briefs and District Updates below.

Safety Steering Committee

The FCUSD Safety Steering Committee presentation was shared with the Board last evening, addressing students’ physical and emotional safety on campus. After discussion and careful consideration, the Board approved staff’s recommendation for 2022-23 which will include:

  • 2 SROs, Folsom Police Department
  • 2 SROs, Rancho Cordova Police Department//Sac Sheriff
  • Hire Coordinator of Safe Schools. 
  • Pilot one (1) Community Safety Specialist Position
    • Coordinator of Safe Schools will work to create a job description and hire a School Safety Specialist as part of a pilot program.
  • An example of ongoing duties of the Coordinator of Safe Schools and the School Safety Specialist will be: 
    • Continue training site administrators on restorative discipline, protocols for contacting SROs, and alternatives to suspension.
    • Continue training Campus Monitors, Yard Supervisors, and other safety personnel.
  •  Memorialize updated SRO practices in MOU with Law Enforcement Agencies, including:
    • FPD and RCPD will have identical MOUs with the District.
    • FCUSD input on hiring of new SRO. 
    • SROs park in the parking lot and no longer park on the school campus. 
    • SROs are on a roaming schedule, visit all sites weekly.
    • All SRO-related complaints reported by staff, student, or family will be reported to the FCUSD office of Attendance and Due Process (ADP). 
    • SROs are completing weekly data collections for all interactions, both intervening and preventative.
    • SRO home visits will be conducted only for serious situations or concerns about student safety or well-being.  
  • Continue training site administrators on restorative discipline, protocols for contacting SROs, and alternatives to suspension. 
  • Continue training Campus Monitors, Yard Supervisors, and other safety personnel.
  • In collaboration with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), draft Board Policy 5144.3 establishing clear protocols for SRO engagement with students in non-emergency situations.
  • Create a detailed District Safety Plan to present to Board of Trustees 
  • Reach out to Sacramento Division of Behavioral Health Services for Crisis Response Intervention Team support of schools. 
  • Safety Advisory Committee will continue to meet (quarterly), monitor, and provide guidance. 

We wish to acknowledge and thank the members of the School Safety Committee, comprised of staff, students, community members, and law enforcement partners, for the many days and hours since the fall, to examine data and feedback for student safety and well-being.

Governor’s Proposals for the 2022-23 State Budget and K-12 Education

Governor Newsom released his proposed state budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year on Monday, January 10, 2022. Staff presented a summary of the Governor’s proposal of the state budget based on the details that are currently available from the recent School Services of California Governor’s Budget Presentation.

To view the presentation, please click on this link.

International Baccalaureate Programmes at FCUSD

International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes are academically rigorous, internationally renowned, and present in 159 countries. FCUSD offers three of the four IB offerings; the Diploma Programme (DP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Career-related Programme (CP). With only a handful of schools in the region offering IB Programmes, we are proud to offer these highly rigorous learning options for students.

To view the presentation shared with the Board last evening, and learn more about our IB Programmes, please click on this link.

**Parents interested in enrolling their student in an IB Programme may contact:

Mitchell Middle School: 

Cordova High School: 

Expanded Learning Opportunities for students

Programs that support students outside of the regular instructional day are part of the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) suite of offerings. Programs include after school care, ASES, Saturday school and Summer School. A presentation and update of ELO programs was provided and can be viewed by clicking this link here.

Now enrolling for the 2022-23 school year!

Enrollment for new and returning students is currently taking place. For guidance on enrolling your student, please click on the link below or contact your school of attendance.  

2022-23 Enrollment Procedures

Enrollment options for non-traditional learning at FCUSD

FCUSD offers multiple options for students and families interested in choosing a non-traditional learning experience. 

Folsom Cordova Homeschool Charter School K - 8

Innovations Academy 100% virtual learning for students K-12. 

  • For more information, please call: 916-294-2445

Walnutwood High School - High school independent study for grades 9 - 12

  • For more information, please call: 916-294-9105

Adult Education

  • A number of classes are offered to learn new career skills, obtain a high school diploma, and obtain U.S. citizenship. 
  • For more information, please call: 916-294-9106

COVID-19 vaccine clinics, coming to Cordova High School!

FCUSD, in partnership with UC Davis, is hosting two upcoming COVID-19 vaccine clinics. Please see the attached flyer and information below:

  • Registration is required:
  • When: February 10 and March 3
  • Where: Cordova High School cafeteria
    • 2239 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova
    • Drive down Chase Drive, turn right at Lancer Lane and look for signs that say “event”
  • Time: 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Ages: 5 and up welcome!

1st dose, 2nd dose, or booster eligible

  • Vaccine type:  Pfizer only
  • Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian