Update March 17, 2021
Update: Message to the FCUSD Community
March 17, 2021
Dear FCUSD community: Please see today’s update which includes the return of middle and high school students to campus for Hybrid instruction.
COVID Dashboard update
The COVID-19 Dashboard has been updated. Please visit: www.fcusd.org/COVID
~~~ You may notice, there are no COVID positive cases reported this week~~~
7th -12-grade students, return to campus!
Sacramento County moved to Red Tier on Tuesday, March 16 which allowed us to bring 7th - 12th-graders back to campus today! We’ve been preparing for the safe return of all students to campus since last September, making today extra celebratory for middle and high school students and staff who have been waiting for this day. Even with masks on, you couldn’t miss the smiles on their faces. Want to see what this looked like? Visit our Facebook post here to see a gallery of photos and please add your pictures in the comments below!
Local news crews came out to record the moment. Click on these links to see FOX40 interview Superintendent, Dr. Sarah Koligian and KCRA interview Principal, Jerad Hyden.
Across the District, about 65% of middle and high school students elected to come onto campus for in-person Hybrid instruction. The advanced AV technology and concurrent model of instruction being used in classrooms make it possible for students to keep their same schedule, and interact with their teacher and fellow classmates in real-time, whether they are sitting in class or joining online via Zoom or Teams. Take a look at our video here, which demonstrates how middle and high school students can be on campus with safety guidelines in place, and concurrently learning with their teacher and peers.
6th-grade students start at Mills and Mitchell
Yesterday, Tuesday, March 16 our 6th graders returned to campus at Mills and Mitchell Middle schools. As you will remember, a previous waiver from public health allowed us to return 6th grade prior to the county’s announcement of moving to Red Tier.
Stand up to acts of hate and racism
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the victims of yesterday’s attack on the Asian community. Anti-Asian hate crimes have increased throughout the nation. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has elicited hateful scapegoating and vilification of an entire ethnic community; a community that has been integral to American history, advancements and culture. Stop AAPI Hate is a website that offers a place to report incidences of hate against Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and provides resources for preventative and safety measures. We want our community to be aware and to know that FCUSD will not tolerate acts of racism, hate, or aggression directed at those of Asian heritage or any other ethnic group.
Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, March 18
Closed Session: 5:00 p.m.; Open Session: 6:00 p.m.
The full agenda, instructions for viewing on the District’s YouTube Channel and on Zoom, and instructions for participating in public comments can be found on our website:
Agenda items include:
Special Presentation:
- Update on Building More Equitable Learning Environments
Discussion/Action Items:
- Approve Extended Educational Field Trip Requests: Cordova Gardens, Cordova Meadows, Folsom Hills, Gold Ridge, Navigator, Rancho Cordova, and Theodore Judah Elementary School’s Fifth Grade Students to Sly Park Environmental Education Center, Pollock Pines, California for the 2021-22 School Year
- Approve Resolution No. 03-18-21-25 Authorizing Emergency Purchase and Installation of HVAC Systems at Natoma Station and Gold Ridge Elementary Schools
Discussion Items:
- Current, Summer, and 2021-2022 School Year Instructional Models
Written public comments can be submitted now, using the Google Public Comment Card Form link, found on our website, and all written comments will be given to the Board for review by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2021. This link will close by 3:00 p.m., Thursday, March 18.
Public comments can be made during the Board Meeting, via Zoom, as space allows, by using the “raised hand” feature. Due to constraints on our Zoom account, the maximum number of participants in the Zoom room is 300.
Please note: There are no limitations on the number of viewers watching the live broadcast of the Board meeting on our YouTube channel.
Upcoming Regular Board Meeting dates:
- April 15
- May 6
- May 20
- June 3