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Update June 29, 2020

UPDATE: June 29, 2020

Dear FCUSD Staff and Families:

The District held its first Virtual Town Hall last week, simultaneously broadcast in English and Spanish. Over 1560 viewers heard from Superintendent Dr. Koligian, and her leadership team, as they described our planning process and considerations for reopening schools for 2020-21.

At the end of the presentation, we hosted a live Thoughtexchange experience. In the exchange, parents, staff, and students could submit questions and everyone in the exchange had an opportunity to place a ranking of importance to questions others submitted 

To see what the top thoughts and questions were from the Town Hall, please click on this link:

To view the Town Hall presentation and hear responses to top questions submitted that evening, head over to our YouTube channel to watch and hear Dr. Koligian and District leaders respond.

Please note, the Thoughtexchange is closed and the link in the YouTube is inactive

This input, along with staff, student and parent responses from surveys, engagement with our Task Force Sub Committees, Superintendent Communication Committee, and District English Language Advisory Committee have all been ways, staff, parent and student questions, comments, and suggestions have been collected.

In addition to stakeholder feedback, other conditions affecting our decision for reopening schools are:

  • The Governor’s revised budget, June 30
  • California State Bills, including Trailer Bill AB-77
  • Guidelines provided by the Sacramento County Office of Education, Sacramento Department of Public Health, the California Department of Public Health, the California Department of Education, and Governor’s orders.

The next step in the process to determine school reopening plans will be during the Special Board Meeting, Tuesday evening, June 30 at 6:00 pm. To view the agenda and instructions on how to view the Board meeting and participate in public comments, please visit:

A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found at: