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Measure R and S Long











On August 1st, the Folsom Cordova Unified School District Board of Trustees placed Measures R – The Local Elementary School Teacher Retention, Classroom Repair and Safety Measure and S – The Local Middle and High School Teacher Retention, Classroom Repair and Safety Measure on the November 5th ballot.

Measures R and S are specifically dedicated to School Facilities Improvement District 4 to retain quality teachers and repair/upgrade Rancho Cordova schools. By law, funding from Measures R and S cannot not be used in any other part of the District.

If enacted, Measures R and S would address the community’s identified educational priorities such as school repairs, ensuring students have safe places to play, health and safety improvements, retaining and attracting quality teachers and upgrading deteriorating electrical systems and wiring.

Every student needs a classroom that is safe and clean. But many local schools were built close to 60 years ago and need basic health and safety improvements. Measures R and S will address the most urgent and basic repairs such as deteriorating electrical systems and wiring, water and sewer lines, and restrooms, and repair leaky roofs.

Measures R and S will allow our local high schools to expand and upgrade vocational education and job training programs in high-need fields such as nursing and other medical careers, agriculture, engineering, construction and others and will allow students who choose not to go to college to acquire real-world skills and technical knowledge to compete for a job when they graduate.

Measures R and S would each provide $144,000,000 in bonds costing property owners 6 cents per $100 of assessed (not market) valuation while bonds are outstanding. Measures R and S include strict accountability requirements, such as public disclosure of all spending, and independent annual audits to make sure all funds are used effectively, efficiently, and as promised. All funds will be used for our local schools and cannot be taken by the County, state or federal governments or used in other parts of the school district.

Watch the video to learn more!

Mr Douglas PSA VIDEO

Watch the video to learn more!

Supt. Swanson PSA video










Getting More Information

For More Voting Information, visit Sacramento County Elections at: