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About Peachjar Flyers

In the past, our schools sent home loads of flyers in students’ backpacks. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly and to embrace innovative technology, we are moving from paper to a digital flyer delivery.

With our Peachjar eflyer program, the eflyers will be sent directly to parents’ email inboxes as well as posted on school websites for easy access. All flyers may be accessed by clicking on the logo.

Peachjar logo



Each year, our schools will save tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. In addition, paperless delivery of school flyers removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers.    School and school district-approved eflyers will keep you informed about upcoming school activities, programs, and events. And our children's backpacks will be a little bit lighter!  

Flyer Distribution Procedures

Our District cooperates with noncommercial organizations to distribute certain materials electronically via Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

Flyers received through will be distributed on the date you have selected unless you have not met all criteria listed below.  The approval process can take up to two days.  Flyers received after 1:00PM can not be distributed until the next day.  All Approved flyers are sent out via email at 3:00 PM.

To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved (please see approval criteria below), your flyer will be e-mailed to all parents at selected schools and posted online. Most paper flyers from outside organizations will not be distributed.
1. Visit
2. Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type).
3. If a non-profit organization, attach your non-profit status form while uploading your flyer through Peachjar.  Your flyer will not be approved for distribution until this is received.
4. Upload your flyer for approval.  

Approval Criteria 1. First, the flier(s) must be verified to meet all established requirements by the office of Communication and Community Engagement. District staff will approve or deny materials based on the standards and policies approved by the Board of Education. No guarantee of a distribution date can or will be given.  Peachjar charges a fee for this service.   The following organizations and agencies may distribute materials through the District:   a) Local park and recreation districts with which the Board has entered a joint use agreement; b) Federal, State and local government entities, including law enforcement agencies and public libraries, that wish to distribute materials necessary to further and/or protect the health, safety, and welfare of students; c) Non-profit and school-connected organizations for the purpose of promoting educational activities or events: For purposes of illustration but not limitation:

a.    School-community advisory councils
b.    Youth sports organizations
c.    Community organizations such as Camp Fire, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts, which promote youth activities, citizenship, and have a large percentage of District students participating
d.    School-connected organizations, including PTA/PTSO groups, booster organizations, and charitable foundations (including the Folsom Cordova Education Foundation)
e.    Community partners of the District who provide resources, volunteers, and afterschool programs that support educational instruction and enrichment.

2. FCUSD does not typically distribute flyers of a commercial nature or from for-profit organizations unless FCUSD has an existing sponsorship agreement with an organization.

3. Fliers from organizations which are authorized Supplemental Educational Service providers under federal guidelines and which have been approved by the California Department of Education and FCUSD Categorical Programs Department will be distributed.

4. To ensure families receive adequate information, and to minimize questions directed to school staff, fliers must include the following:

A. Fliers must contain this disclaimer:

“This is not a Folsom Cordova Unified School District Sponsored program.  Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the District or school personnel.  The District accepts no liability or responsibility for the program/activity.”

The disclaimer must be on the front of the flier, in a location where it is easy to see, in a minimum of 10 point upper and lower case type.

B. The name of the sponsoring organization
C. If the sponsoring organization is a nonprofit, under the name put “a nonprofit organization”
D. Date of event
E. Time of event
F. Location of event
G. Program Cost – The flier must describe the full cost for participants, including but not limited to registration, amount required to be raised through fundraising or in lieu of cash payment, equipment purchase or lease.   
NOTE: Payment must be made to the government agency of or nonprofit charitable organization sponsoring the activity.
H. Phone Number / Contact Information
I. Athletic leagues must include information about when students will be participating and competing, i.e., “the season is May-June,” or “practices are held after school one day a week and games are held on Saturdays.”

5. Laws/Rules: Text and graphics on fliers must comply with existing laws, District standards, and school rules.  For example, text and graphics on fliers may not denigrate any group; promote violation of school rules; depict drugs; tobacco, alcohol, violence, fighting, intimidation, weapons, gang/cult/affiliation, or inappropriate language; or be sexually suggestive.  Activities such as raffles, which are illegal, may not be included on fliers.  Religious symbols and graphics, including but not limited to witches, devils, and angels, are typically not permitted.

6. Advertising: Sponsors may be acknowledged and listed discreetly on the bottom of the fliers.

7. Use of Facilities: If fliers describe non-school activities held at a Folsom Cordova school site, the sponsoring organization must obtain an approved District use facilities before the flier can be distributed.

8. Staff Assistance: Because of educational demands, school staff typically cannot assist community organizations during the school day, for example by collecting sign-up forms.  Please contact Communication and Community Engagement staff, who can contact school(s) to see if assistance can be provided.

9. Comply with Board and Administrative Policies: All materials must comply with rules and regulations set forth in Folsom Cordova Unified Board Policies and Administrative Regulations including but not limited to BP/AR 1321 and 1325.

Translation Requirements for flyers

Education Code 48985 states that when 15% or more of the pupils enrolled at a school speak a single primary language other than English, all notices, reports or statements being sent or distributed by a school site must be written in English AND in the primary language of the parent/guardian.  Not all schools will need translation.
Schools Requiring English & Spanish Flyer Submissions according to the 2021-2022 School Year data from CDE:
Elementary Sites:  

  • Cordova Gardens Elementary
  • Cordova Meadows Elementary
  • Cordova Villa Elementary
  • Navigator Elementary
  • Peter J Shields Elementary
  • Rancho Cordova Elementary
  • White Rock Elementary
  • Williamson Elementary

Middle School and High School Sites:

  • Mills Middle School
  • W.E. Mitchell Middle School
  • Cordova High School
  • Kinney High School

  It is important to know that this 15% may change from year to year but the schools listed above reflect the current needs for 2022-23 academic year.