Archived 2022-2023 Public Notices
Proposed Name for Secondary School in the Folsom Planning Area
FCEA 2022-2023 Sunshine Openers for the Successor Agreement to BOE
Draft Preliminary Environmental Assessment Alder Creek Elementary School Construction Project
Proposed Name for Second Elementary School in the Folsom Planning Area
Charter School Petition to Establish New Pacific School-Rancho Cordova
Sufficiency of Instructional Materials: Textbooks and Instructional Materials Incentive Act
Charter School Petition to Establish New Pacific School-Rancho Cordova
Charter School Petition to Establish Design Tech High School-Rancho Cordova
Charter School Petition to Establish New Pacific School-Rancho Cordova
Charter School Petition to Establish Design Tech High School
Extension of Urgency Implementation of Statutory School Development Impact Fees
Authorization of Statutory School Facilities Fee per Sec 65995.5 and 65995.7
Authorization of Statutory School Facilities Fee per Sec 65995 and 17620
Sufficiency of Instructional Materials: Textbooks and Instructional Materials Incentive Act