Archived 2023-2024 Public Notices
April 18 2024: Native American Title VI Education Program Grant
April 18, 2024: Authorization of the Statutory School Facilities Fees per GCS 65995 and ECS 17620 an
April 18, 2024: Authorization of the Statutory School Facilities per GCS 65995.5 and 65995.7 and Aut
Intent to Grant Easement to SMUD at Alder Creek Elementary School
CSEA 2023-2024 Sunshine Openers for Successor Agreement to BoE
FCUSD 2023-24 Proposed Contract Openers of Common Interest with CSEA to BoE
FCUSD 2023-24 Proposed Contract Openers of Common Interest with FCEA to BoE
FCEA 2023-2024 Sunshine Opener for Successor Agreement to BoE
Auth of Alt Sect 65995.5 School Facilities Fee and Provl Appr of Alt Sect 65995.7 School Fac Fees
School Site Selection Standards Alder Creek Elementary School