February 13, 2025, Regular Board Meeting AGENDA LINK (agenda available once published)
Regular Board meetings will be broadcast and recorded. To read the opening broadcast statement which will be read aloud STATEMENT LINK
Submit Public Comments via the Google link - To be read prior to a Board Meeting:
Submitted comments received by 3:00 p.m., the day of the board meeting, will be emailed to Board Members prior to the board meeting and will not be read out loud during the meeting. Comments received will become a permanent record in the approved minutes. This form is not required to speak during a Board meeting. If you wish to comment in-person, please fill out a comment card available at the agenda table upon entering the Board Room.
Google Public Commenting FORM LINK (link available once activated, refer to message below) NOTE: Google Commenting is not available for the 02/12/25 Special Board Mtg
(Regular Board Meetings: link activated no later than 12:00 p.m., the day prior to the Board meeting and closes at 3:00 p.m., the day of the Board meeting)
How does one make Public Comments at an in-person Board Meeting?
For general public participation on any agenda item, the Board requests that you fill out a Public Comment form and return it to the Superintendent's Assistant, prior to the start of the meeting. Those who wish to make a public comment directly related to any item on the meeting agenda will have an opportunity to speak when that agenda item is addressed and invited to fill out a Public Comment form and return to the Superintendent's Assistant.
Individual speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item, and the Board will limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. Student speakers will be allotted four (4) minutes to speak. However, in exceptional circumstances, when necessary to ensure full opportunity for public input, the Board President may, with Board consent, adjust the amount of time allowed for public input. Any such adjustment shall be done equitably so as to allow a diversity of viewpoints. The president may also ask members of the public with the same viewpoint to select a few individuals to address the Board on behalf of that viewpoint. Members of the public will not be permitted to yield their speaking time to another member of the public. (Board Bylaw 9323: Meeting Conduct)
Members of the public who require reasonable accommodations to access the meeting, based on disability or other reasons, should contact the Superintendent’s Office 916-294-9000 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a Regular meeting to make arrangements for such reasonable accommodations. (For special meetings, please request accommodations no less than 12 hours prior to the meeting)
How does one make Public Comments at a Virtual Board Meeting?
Those who wish to make a public comment directly related to any item on the meeting agenda will have an opportunity to speak when that agenda item is addressed and are not required to complete a Public Comment form prior to the meeting. Those participating on Zoom must use the “raise hand” feature to indicate their desire to provide public comment.
Individual speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item, and the Board will limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. Student speakers will be allotted four (4) minutes to speak. However, in exceptional circumstances, when necessary to ensure full opportunity for public input, the Board President may, with Board consent, adjust the amount of time allowed for public input. Any such adjustment shall be done equitably so as to allow a diversity of viewpoints. The president may also ask members of the public with the same viewpoint to select a few individuals to address the Board on behalf of that viewpoint. Members of the public will not be permitted to yield their speaking time to another member of the public. (Board Bylaw 9323: Meeting Conduct)
Regular Board meetings will be broadcast and recorded. To read the opening broadcast statement which will be read aloud STATEMENT LINK
YouTube link to watch live:
To make a Comment Virtually *Zoom link: or Dial 1 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 925 3345 7911
The meeting is being held through video conference and/or by telephonic means and will be made accessible to members of the public seeking to attend virtually and to address the Board solely through the Zoom link provided. The Zoom link and Zoom call-in phone number will be posted below no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Members of the public who require reasonable accommodations to access the meeting, based on disability or other reasons, should contact the Superintendent’s Office 916-294-9000 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a Regular meeting to make arrangements for such reasonable accommodations. (For special meetings, please request accommodations no less than 12 hours prior to the meeting)