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Transition to Board Elections By-Trustee Area 6 9 2020

Transition to By-Trustee Area Elections

We are pleased to announce that on June 9, 2020, the Sacramento County Committee on School District Organization unanimously approved the district-area map submitted by the FCUSD Board of Education. This approval transitions the District from an at-large election to a by-trustee area election for the November 3, 2020 elections.

There are two Board Member seats up for re-election in November; Chris Clark and JoAnne Reinking. Only voters residing in Areas 2 and 4 on the new trustee-area map, will vote for the two open seats.

Sequence of Election

2020- Area 2 (JoAnne Reinking) and Area 4 (Chris Clark)

2022- Area 1 (Joshua Hoover), Area 3 (David Reid), and Area 5 (Ed Short)

Approved Trustee Area Map #5

Use the Interactive Map to find your trustee area.

  • Check Map #5, then enter your address in the seach window, top left.

Folsom Cordova Unified School District’s Process for Transition to By-Trustee Area Elections 

Updated: 04/17/20

The Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) currently elects its Board of Education members through an at-large election system. Under this system, candidates for the Board of Education can reside anywhere within FCUSD's district boundaries. All voters within the district boundaries vote to elect each member of the school board. When elections are by-trustee area, the district is divided into smaller regions. The residents in each region vote for the candidate of their choice from their area but do not vote on candidates running for the school board in other regions.

The Board of Education has expressed its desire for all voters in the district to be heard and believes transitioning to elections by-trustee area supports that intent as well as brings the system of elections into alignment with all provisions of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA).

Data from the United States census forms the basis of how trustee area boundaries will be drawn. Informal discussions have been held about bringing the recommendation to move to by-trustee areas forward in 2021 once data from the 2020 census was available. However, the District received a demand letter from an attorney from the Bay Area in February of this year. To protect the District from potential but unnecessary litigation costs, the Board has elected to make the transition for November of 2020. This will require that boundaries are drawn using data from the 2010 census.

The Board of Education took the first step in the process on March 12, 2020 when it adopted Resolution No. 03-12-20-31, declaring the intent to transition to by-trustee area election. The District will now engage in an effort to determine the criteria that should be used in determining the boundaries for trustee areas before using a professional demographer to produce potential maps for public review and input. The final map will need to be approved by the Board of Education as well as the County Committee on School District Organization.

During this first step, the District also adopted  Resolution No. 03-12-20-32, requesting a waiver from the California Department of Education that will avoid the need to ask local voters to weigh in on the transition. Taking the question to voters would delay the transition past the November 2020 election, potentially exposing the district to costly litigation expenses. The at-large system of elections may not meet all legal requirements even if it is the preferred format by local voters.

Tentative Administrative Timeline: Revised 05-12-2020

Executive Order N-34-20

Executive Order N-48-20

CDE Disposition Letter Re: Waiver Request

February 4 2020 Petition to Comply with California Voting Rights Act from Scott Rafferty

March 24 2020 Correspondence from Scott Rafferty, Esquire Addressing Trustee Areas Transition Process

April 11 2020 Demand to Cure and Correct from Scott Rafferty

April 14 2020 Comments from Scott Rafferty, Esquire Addressing Trustee Areas Transition Process

April 23, 2020 Comments from Scott Rafferty

Public Hearing Notices

March 26, 2020 Public Hearing

April 14, 2020 Public Hearing

April 23, 2020 Public Hearing

April 28, 2020 Public Hearing

 May 7, 2020 Public Hearing

May 21, 2020 Public Hearing

June 4, 2020 Public Hearing

June 9 , 2020 Public Hearing: Sacramento County Committee on School District Organization